Monday, September 6, 2010

Paradise Moved

So, we moved Aug. 28 2010. In thinking back, it was exactly a year ago that we made the trek from Southern Utah to San Antonio, TX. A lot has happened this year, it's not likely to be forgotten.

90% moved into the new house, still have a few things to bring over and then the REAL work will begin. I'd gotten things pretty organized, or so I'd thought, then my Hunky Hubby brought more things over and the paradise I'd managed to create vanished right before my eyes. (I'm thinking that if I could figure out a way to market the TALENT that my Hubby and boys have for making my house go from company can pop in status to like Katrina hit I could have them audition for America's Got Talent and have their own show in Las Vegas...scratch that, that would mean another move!!)

I have become more determined than ever to make a PARADISE for my family. In this crazy world that we live in, there should be a spot where there is peace and respit from everything that is thrown at us.

We went @ 10 days w/o internet and @ 5 w/o television. In that time, I was able to reflect on the good and the bad of the blessing of technology. I am on a mission to find a stronger balance in how technology plays into our family.

Must go, sorry if this doesn't flow smoothly, have little people excited for haircuts and a Hunky Hubby anxious to get things done. Thanks to those who read and leave comments. I'm busy making PARADISE in my part of the world and certainly appreciate all the help I can get.

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